Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As was announced a few weeks ago, Bro. Joey is taking my place overseeing the dining room and kitchen for our meals and meetings. Sis. Karen, has for some time, taken over for Sis. Davis. They will now be the overseers of this ministry under Bro. Finnicum and Bro. Puckett. Let us all continue in well doing serving one another, bringing our respective dishes as unto the Lord. Our Sunday meals are a wonderful opportunity to bless one another and provide our love to any guest or visitor. Each Sunday meal is part of our worship to God and our dishes are gifts to Him through our partaking. Jesus said, “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”. If we eat it, He eats it. Remember, worship means wor (worth) ship (place or position). What position or worth do we place in Christ in the gift of our dishes? Let us continue to go above and beyond for Christ and His body. -Bro. Davis
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