We are sad to be leaving our precious family of God here in Danli, but our hearts are so full of thanksgiving for what God has done here in these few short days. Monday and Tuesday found us here at the hotel with day long Bible studies. Bro. Victor and Sis Claudia drank in the Word of God with open hearts. Three of the men from the church were also here with us. Two of these young men missed work to be baptized on Sunday, and were fired from their jobs because of it. These people are willing to pay a price to receive this gospel! The services at night have been above all we could think or ask. They asked us to do the worship each night, so all the girls have sang with me in Spanish, and done a wonderful job. As the Lord began to move in the service, and the people began to press in, the girls would go one by one to help pray with different sisters. The first night, they all ended up praying with people, leaving a young girl from here (who Bro. Finnicum had nicknamed "Ezzie", short for Esmeralda,) to sing "Raising my hands to you". She is a sweet young girl who usually leads the music here. Bro. Victor wants her to learn these songs. I know that at least two people have received the baptism of the Holy Ghost during these 2 nights, and the Spirit of God moved through the church in such a powerful way both nights. Truly, our girls will never be the same after experiencing this. Many of the people here are extremely poor, but they are so rich in the Lord. We feel so loved and welcome in this place. We hope to bring Bro. Victor to the U.S. sometime in 2014.
We will be leaving this morning to travel back to Talanga. While going through Tegucigalpa, we will be shopping for some things to equip the house. Thank you so much for your prayer support. Once again, God has heard our prayers, and He is opening the hearts of the people of Danli with the love of the Body of Christ, and the truth of the Word of God.
This has been such an amazing day!! We met with the people from Bro. Victor's church at a nice little rustic setting with 2 swimming pools and an open air building for service. We began the day with 2 band songs, and worship in Spanish with all the girls singing. Bro. Finnicum then explained to the people the importance of what they were about to do. Then we proceeded to the pool area, where we baptized 15 men and 13 women from Bro. Victor's church, as well as Bro. Geinrre's son David, and Bro. Misael's daughter Nancy! It was such a wonderful experience! Afterwards, many of them swam for a while, had their lunches, and fellowshipped all together. Right before we began the second service, I walked out to the sitting area and saw all the young people working in their gifts. The girls had a group of sisters around them. They were testifying of the overcoming life, with Sis. Dulce translating. Bro. Edwin was talking to a young brother, and Bro. Rigo had several young men surrounding him as he was explaining the things of God. We went into service, and began to worship. It is a slow process to teach the people all these new songs, but they quickly feel the power and spirit of the words. As we sang "Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary", they all began to press in and many of the young people reached out to pray with different brothers and sisters. What a blessing it is to see them all use their gifts to work with people and show them love! I am so thankful for this battalion of God's army that is here in Danli with us. Bro. Rigo and Bro. Edwin are both so serious about this path of God they are walking. They and the girls radiate the love of God as they worship and pray with people. Bro. Victor and his wife are so excited about what they are learning.
Tomorrow we will have Bible study here at the hotel with Bro. Victor, and a service at his church at night.Everyone is healthy, and very full of the good things of God. We are trusting God to continue to help us as we reach the people of Danli with His gospel. Today has been a very full and rewarding day. We once again had the 4 hour Bible study with several people from Bro. Misael's church. They are receiving the teachings and asking many questions. After the day meeting, Bro. Misael joined us for dinner at our house, where Sis. Karla had prepared a beautiful meal for us. She works so hard taking care of us while we are here! After practicing again, our new little church band was able to play 2 songs to open tonight's service. They all did a wonderful job, and we were able to show the church what we hope to produce in their own children, as they grow to work for God! Bro. Gustavo continued the worship music. These people are really learning how to press in! It was so exciting to see the sisters of the church, for the first time, begin to put their arms around each other and worship together. Bro. Geinrre also gave a beautiful testimony of the process that God has brought him through as he has made the total commitment to walk this way with us. We thank God every day for sending him to help us. He is a very gifted, godly man, and we so appreciate how hard he works for the Kingdom. Bro. Rigo is so excited to be home. He was able to be the interpreter tonight, and he did a great job. You that know him can be sure that he hit the ground running, as he "has work to do" here for the Lord.
Tomorrow the girls get to play tourist for the day, as we visit Valle de angeles on the way to Danli. Sunday is our big baptismal day, so we are anticipating that! The girls have been busy loving and praying for people. What a blessing to have them here with us! Oh, they even had time to teach Bro. Edwin how to play "Spoons!" They have all gotten along so well, which is not easy with 5 girls in 1 hotel room. Of course, at times they have hit that "too tired" stage, and the giggles have nearly overtaken the van. They have a song in their hearts at all times, and not a daily trip goes by without singing from the back of the van. Please pray for the next segment of our trip as we travel to Danli to spend the next 4 days with Bro. Victor and his church. Yesterday was a full, busy day. We had a 4 hour Bible study at Bro. Misael's church. Many of his people were there with listening ears and hungry hearts. After the Bible study, we went to Los Charcos where Sis. Karla had prepared our dinner in our newly rented home. This house is going to be a blessing in many ways. The kitchen is large enough for functions such as this. We set up two long tables in the living room, and we had ample space for the 14 of us. After the meal, we had our first official practice of the Body of Christ band in Honduras! The girls and Bro. Rigo did very well playing along with my "cheater piano!" We practiced several band songs, then sang many songs that we have translated. Everyone was there learning the songs in Spanish. How exciting it was! This house is going to be our church building in Los Charcos, and it was so awesome to "christen" it with a fellowship meal and a sweet spirit of the music of the Body of Christ! The girls are all healthy and having a wonderful time. I am so thankful to see how they work in the Spirit as they all reach out to pray with the sisters during the night services. God has placed a real love for the Honduran people in all their hearts.
Good morning from Honduras on our second day. we were so excited to be back in Talanga last night with our dear family of God at Bro. Misael"s church. Savana and Emmy were able to play their instruments along with Bro. Gustavo as he played the keyboard for worship. It was such a beautiful move of the Holy Ghost! Beth testified, and Bro. Finnicum was able to share his heart with these people that we so dearly love. We are off early today for an all day long Bible study there, then service again tonight. More later! w We arrived safely into Tegucigalpa yesterday afternoon. After our usual stops for a phone card, drinks and snacks at Wal-Mart, and Pizza Hut, we were on our way to our hotel. Bro. Misael, Bro. Gustavo, and Sis. Nancy came to the airport and picked up Bro. Rigo for his reunion with friends and family. This morning we have been relaxing and getting organized. After dinner, we will be off to our first service with Bro. Misael. We are really anticipating the move of God for these next 2 weeks. The girls are all fine, enjoying the pool here, as we get ready to start a very busy schedule. They were quite amusing on the flight. Imagine 5 young women with very little sleep........ But we all survived the flight! We miss you all, and so appreciate your interest and prayers. I will update when I can.
It is time once again for us to make another trip to Honduras. We are excited to be taking with us five very special young ladies: Emmylee, Savana, and Abby Grace Hale, and Abigail and Beth Hummel. This is the first trip for 2 of them, and we know it will be life changing. We are very thankful to be able to take young people that so well represent the lifestyle and godly character that we hope to help produce in the hearts of the young people in Honduras. These girls are all gifted in many ways, and we are anticipating how God will use them. We will be concentrating our efforts this trip on Bro. Misael's church in Talanga, and Bro. Victor in Danli. In Danli, there are over 30 people ready to be baptized when we get there!
We are sad here in Roanoke that Bro. Rigo will be leaving us to go home.We will miss him so much! It has been a wonderful year of growth and learning for him, and he is much better equipped to do the work that God has called him to do. He and Bro. Edwin will be working side by side as they try to reach the young people of Honduras with the truth of the Word of God. We have also rented a house where the 2 of them will be living, and we will have a place to stay when we are there. Please be a part of our work in Honduras by praying for us.We will be there for 2 weeks., and I will do my best to update this blog when I can. |
January 2015
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