We are so thankful for what God is doing here in Honduras. Today I am at the hotel with Sis. Karla and the children while Bro. Finnicum, Bro. Geinrre, and Bro. Rigo go into Tegucigalpa. They are going to see if they can speed up the paperwork for Bro. Rigo so that we might get him a Visa to come to the U.S. He has made a lot of progress in his English, and we want him to come so that we might work with him in music and in the teachings of the Word of God. He has such a hungry heart. We are going to help sponsor him financially so that he might spend a lot of time with Bro. Geinrre, learning English to be prepared to come to be with us. He works all day, every day, and makes only $50 per month! We are so spoiled!!! They are also going to the United States embassy for an appoinmtent for Bro. Geinrre's Visa. His last one got lost, and they do not believe him when he tells them he left the U.S. when he was supposed to. It is so important for him to have a Visa so that he might come to meetings, as well as come to interpret when the other pastors come. Please pray! Also, please pray for Bro. Finnicum's throat and voice. He has gotten a cold, and the continual daily preaching has caused him to almost lose his voice. We are hoping that this day of resting his voice will help him.
Sunday night we had our first service here in Talanga at Bro. Misaels's church. The sign in front said "Beinvenido a casa" (welocme home!) I feel like that spoke volumes, as they have really welcomed us into their hearts. There is a big difference in "welcome" and "welcome home"!! As Bro. Finnicum peached, some of the men began to ask questions, and it is obvious that they have really pondered the things that they have heard. On Monday and Tuesday, we had a pastors' seminar at Bro. Misael's church. This is a time of teaching from 10 am to 2 pm. They also ask questions whenever they wish. On Monday, he taught the lesson "Why we speak in tongues." It is so amazing that the churches here call themselves Pentecostal, yet few of them are baptized in the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues. At this meeting, there was a man present who has been attending Bro. Misael's church, but had not yet been saved. He came to Bro. Misael that night, and told him that he had really been touched by the messages, and he wanted to be saved. God is good! We had no service scheduled for Monday night, so we drove to Tegucigalpa where we had to change the car for a van rental. We had been renting a car from Sis. Karla's brother, but needed to change it so we had more room to transport people. This was a real experience, as Bro. Finnicum had to drive the van to the brother's house while Bro. Geinrre drove the car. Those of you who have experienced riding in Tegucigalpa traffic understand why I say this was such an experience!!! (Of course, Bro. Finnicum loved it!) We met Bro. Cristian, Sis. Carolina, and the children at the Pizza Hut, and had a few minutes of fellowship with them. They hope to come be with us here in service on Sunday. Thankfully, Bro. Cristian now has a job selling memberships to Price Smart, which is similar to our Sams club. It is cute to see Moises interpreting for little Ethan. The Tuesday pastors' seminar also went well. Bro. Finnicum told the story of the drainage pipes we put under our new building, but had to tear out with great difficulty when we found they were wrong. The pastors seemed to understand this analogy, and after he taught the Bible study, one said, "We have laid the drainage pipes very deep, so it may take us a while to understand all of this!" At least they are listening, and time will tell how open they want to be, and how hard they want to work to tear out those wrong foundations. Tuesday night's service was with Bro. Betanco. This was the church where we were either in someone's home, or a very small building, but the Lord always met us there is a special way. The Lord has smiled on that little church, and given him a beautiful place to worship. He met a couple who had been fasting and praying for a pastor to come that could use their property for a church. It is in the middle of downtown Talanga, and a wonderful facility for the Lord to use. These people have remodeled it at their expense, and are charging him nothing- not even for electricity. The lady was born in Portugal, but is a Honduran legal resident, and an American citizen. She speaks some English after being there for 35 years. Our time is already half over, yet it seems like we have hardly begun. God is surely doing a work here, and there is no questions that the doors continue to open to this message. The lady pastor that we had service with in the San Pedro Sula area is so hungry to hear more and for us to help her church. She asked Bro. Geinrre if we would still help her if the other pastors in the area were not interested. She was so excited about what she heard, and she felt like she was hearing right from God. I don't know what the future holds here in Honduras, but I do know Who holds the future, and we want to work with Him and for Him in whatever way we can! Thank you all for your prayers.
We have spent a lot of time on the road the past few days. We had services at different churches each of the 3 nights that we were in the San Pedro Sula area. We feel like there will be room for us to work there in the future, as several expressed interest in our returning. Unfortunately, it is several hours to drive from that area to our usual area, but if the people are hungry, God will make a way. On Friday, we had nothing scheduled during the day, so we took the opportunity to drive to the Mayan ruins in Copan. It was quite interesting, and it is a very important part of the history of Honduras.
Today we made the long drive back to Tegucugalpa and on to Talanga. While we were in the city, we met with Bro. Jim Phillips for a short time. Bro. Geinrre often works with and interprets for his mission teams when they come here. He is in charge of Love, Truth, Care ministries, and has a great heart for the Honduran people. As we were talking with him about our work here, he made an interesting observation. He said that his experience, as well as others in similar ministries, shows that the real effect of this type of work begins to bring fruit in the 7th year. This past January marks 6 years that we have been coming here to Honduras, so perhaps this will be the year that we will begin to see real fruit for the Lord here. As we came through Talanga on the way to the hotel tonight, we stopped briefly at Bro. Misael's church to say hello to a few that were there working. This is the church that we are helping financially to put on a new roof. Before he could do that, the bathroom had to be moved (it was on the roof.) We were excited to see that the bathroom project is nearly finished, and it was beyond our expectations! Those of you who have been here with us will be amazed when we show you pictures! We are settled into the hotel now (after killing a baby scorpion in the room). We look forward to these next 10 days as we anticipate seeing changes and growth in the people that have been receivng the Word of God in their hearts and applying it to their lives. Thank you for your prayers. We miss you all. We arrived safely in Honduras yesterday at 11 am local time. No problems, and all.our luggage!! Bro. Geinrre and Sis. Karla met us and we were off to the hotel before service. We met with a new group of pastors about. 45 minutes out of San Pedro Sula. This was a regular service, and we were well received. Today we met with just the pastors group of about 40 people, and Bro. Finnicum taught for 4 hours. We feel like we will be invited back there again. Tonight we will be in a different church farther away. We will only be in this area for 3 days before we go to our usual area near Talanga. I am so thankful for your prayers as we reach out to the Honduran people with the truth of the Word of God.
We have been busy packing and repacking, studying, and most importantly praying, as we anticipate our trip to Honduras next week. One exciting part of this trip will be our first time to minister in the San Pedro Sula area. Bro. Geinrre has pastor friends in that area who have expressed an interest to hear the message that we are bringing to Honduras. We will spend 3 days in that area before we go to Talanga to be with those whom we have grown to love so much. Bro. Geinrre has been busy while we have been gone , working with the pastors and the youth. I hope to keep you posted on what the Lord is doing while we are there. I welcome and appreciate your comments to know who is following our trip, and so appreciate your prayers for our safety, and especially for the ears of the people to be opened and their hearts to be changed. We serve a life-changing God, and we teach a life-changing Gospel!
January 2015
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